Explore the depths of a foreboding dungeon in search of a long-lost treasure. You play as the hero armed with nothing but a flickering flame torch and a sword traverse through the pitch-black corridors and fight the evil that lurks in the shadows. But be careful while in the dungeon if your light goes out then you will be overwhelmed by the darkness.


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Launch your game to see the error.

Seems there is an  hint here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/compression-method-in-build-settings.494899/

Yeah got the game to work. Could you guys try it out and let me know how it is? It's my first game jam.

Hi, I can't play your game. It freezes on Unity loading screen.


Same for me

Yeah got the game to work. Could you guys try it out and let me know how it is? It's my first game jam.